For the purposes of this posting I am going to be excluding any kind of scientific discoveries and revelations. I find that most everything science can offer us brings us closer to the edge of supernatural. However, for this I will be speaking of only things that are known right now to be of paranormal origin.
I have always considered myself a "believer", as a child and young adult I was fascinated with the idea that otherworldly things such as ghosts, demons and extraterrestrials could be among us on this planet. Everything I looked at I viewed with the eyes of a child willing to believe that something deeper lurked behind our surface observations. Every single thing brought me joy because nothing was impossible, I wanted to, and did, believe that there was the absolute possibility that strange things could be explained by supernatural phenomenon.
Then something happened. I became obsessed with knowledge. I educated myself about every topic I could get my hands on. I even sought out the facts and science behind some of the most amazing things that had always held my interest before. I looked into all kinds of ghost sightings and UFO footage desperately trying to tie in the science behind them and prove definitively that some things defied earthly explanations.
Sadly, I could not. Every story, every rumor seemed to lead to a reasonable and logical earthly explanation. Either things were flat out hoaxes or simply misidentified natural occurences. My child like enthusiasm toward the paranormal quickly turned to intense skepticism. I felt like a large part of my background and upbringing was slowly dying away and being replaced by a cynical and boring adult.
Things that I once would have looked at and whole heartedly believe was occult or supernatural were now viewed as simple airplane lights misidentified or electro magnetic interference or just flat out lies. Everything had a mundane explanation. The more I would seek out something to prove me wrong the more my bright eyed optimism turned to distrust and anger toward the people attempting to pass these things off as anything but normal.
Nowadays I hate the person I have become. I truly believe that there is nothing about our world that is interesting. Extraterrestrials may exist (and i believe they do) but I am convinced that they are not visiting us. Ghosts are not real, every instance of such sightings is easily explained away by either rational thought or scientific analysis. Perhaps some creatures like bigfoot exist, but even if they did it is just a creature based on normal physics and life. My once firm belief in the occult turned to a distrust of the practitioners and a feeling that anyone with half a brain could easily see that it was all garbage.
I think people want to believe there is more to life and that is why they believe this stuff. They know in a deep part of themselves that this stuff isn't real but they want so badly to believe that there is something more that they find themselves believing in things that they know they shouldn't.
I want proof. I want to see a ghost. I want to witness strange lights in the sky that can not be explained. I have nothing but time now due to my disability and I want so badly to prove myself wrong. I don't want it so badly that I am willing to believe something that is not true but I want proof.
Have you ever seen proof of the supernatural? Do you have video or photographic evidence? If so, show me or tell me about it in the comments.